About Me
- Name: Y
- Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Sarcasm.Self-mockery.Fiction.Thoughts. A little bit of me and my arguably good taste.
Part of:
Aadvark JuntoDaily dose of Conscience
- Le Monde
- Globe and mail
- The New Yorker
- The Independent
- Le Soir
- The onion
- Le Délit
- The McGill Daily
- Voir
Art Stuff
- Deviant Art
- Art Press
- Floria Sigismondi
- Worth 1000
- Derek Hess
- Maya Kulenovic
- Julien Pacaud
- Denis Rouvre
- Alessandro Bavari
- Audrey Kawasaki
- Fredrik Odman
- Yoshitaka Amano
- Eliza
- Tendance floue
- John Copeland
- Rad Hourani
- Catherine Louis
- Zhenya Minkovich
- Ellen von Unwerth
People I know (=who never update)
Other interesting blogs I stumbled upon:
- Wikipédia
- Lexilogos
- Bartleby
- McGill University
- Nobel E-Museum
- All Music
- Radiohead
- Amazon
- Montreal Shows
- MOntreal
- Ex-centris
- Cinéma du Parc
- Amnesty International
- Médecins sans frontières
- Montreal weblog
- ä¸å½æåç½-China Culture.org
Previous Posts
- Embracing randomness in Montreal (Rachel->Duluth->...
- I have been thinking about my violin lately. How i...
- Fake plastic love?
- Jubilation, momentous, spontaneous, crucifixion, p...
- "J'ai aimé à la folie, tout en restant totalement ...
- Anomie?
- Becauseyousaythatitbeatslike a red funeral drumFar...
- dust, blood, and stones (2 bloody points)-
- Um.. thought I should embellish the blog. Vesperti...
- It's 6 am. On the empty bus home. I haven't slept ...
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