Toujours un peu Zooey.
Et comme d'habitude, non-sensical...
"I would prefer not to."
I turned vermillion red. I could see the last inch of dust smearing the asphalt beneath.
So we're back to grade school again.
Fall came with several ounces of confidence. Somehow, moments became filled with sunshine glitter and the monochromatic cinema of life made a great leap forward to bright shiny colors. I am living a carnival.
2 minutes of quarter life crisis.
It is pissing rain outside and my room feels cozy despite its half barren walls.
I have felt recently that I am losing the ability to dream. Perhaps I am losing myself.
I feel terribly old.
Je tousse comme une tuberculose.
Heave mother
Eternity is bitter pound
Weak you are
As moon to sky
Death is staring…
Time to wake up with muscles aching from the overdose of lactate produced from a night of moshing and partying, and to find broken fridge-word-magnets poetry assembled intoxicatingly in all randomness on the refrigerator door…
Naked love boils meat like a frantically manipulating sausage.
It's been a hectic week. Moving, 6 hour lab, assignments, readings, volunteering, gallery hopping, AIDS coalition meetings, adding one body to lecture halls and now frantically writing for Le Délit. And yes, there will be blogging ie. venting.
Quotable quote: "Celui qui ne connaît pas de langue étrangère, ne sait rien de la sienne"-Goethe.